Monday, March 28, 2011

Children's Moment: How Grandma's Sugar Eggs Taught Me About Jesus

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:6

During this season of Lent, Easter is on my brain.  It reminds me of when I was a young girl, my Grandma Allen used to make beautifully decorated sugar Easter eggs.  The eggs were huge, about the size of Aggie’s head.  They were brightly colored and decorated so pretty.  She made the eggs where you could open up the eggs and see the inside of them.  She always placed homemade chocolate covered peanut butter candy inside.  She said each time I ate a piece of candy I would be reminded of Jesus’ sweet love for us by his sacrifice he made on the cross for our sins.  She said when the egg was empty I would be reminded of the empty tomb and Jesus rising into heaven.  I remember one year eating almost all of the candy at one sitting.  I felt miserable.  My tummy hurt so bad and it was true, all I could think about was Jesus.  I kept asking him to help me feel better and to make my pain go away.  I don’t think that was my Grandma’s idea behind the wonderful candy and beautiful egg.

An egg means new life.  It reminds us that there is a new life inside that can come out.  We celebrate Easter Sunday because that is the day that Jesus came out of the grave and He was alive.  Let us pray.