Friday, December 21, 2012

Random Christmas Thought #5

During Christmas I tend to think about loved ones in such a sentimental way.  I remember the most tender of moments and those that make me laugh.   Our family lights candles each Christmas morning as a way to remember those which are not able to celebrate with us, but we want to remember and include in our celebration.  Ladd’s father, Adam, my grandparents, Conward and Wanell and JV and Lucille.  In Christmas’ past, we only lit 3 candles, but last year the triangle of three became a circle of 5 candles.  It felt sad to light the candles and I spent my morning feeling a bit weepy, that is, till I received a call from my sister.  The remainder of Christmas was spent sitting in the hospital holding the hands of my nieces, comforting them and hugging my sister providing her words of encouragement and praying with the family.  My sister’s sweet mother-in-law, Mildred, had a stroke last Christmas and their lives have changed ever since.  They had always planned every Sunday lunch, birthday, holiday, summer fish fry, and pumpkin carving to include sweet Mildred.  Now Mildred does not always remember her family nor is she able to recollect the many memories of the past.

I tell you all of this because I want you to remember, it’s not that a person is with us or not with us physically.  What is important are the memories we hold.  Focus on the good memories, the ones that lift you up, encourage you and make you smile.  Embrace the tears you may shed and the belly laughs you may exert.  Take time to create new memories and traditions this year. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Random Christmas Thought #4

Bet you thought I wouldn’t have any more thoughts left after yesterday’s rather lengthy thought.  Well, today should be a bit shorter.

Earlier this week when as I was doing my grocery shopping, I noticed a skinny woman and an even skinnier child standing in the canned goods aisle. I noticed the little girl discreetly put a can of Vienna sausages in her coat pocket and the mother do the same.  Looking down at my cart and realizing how full it was and how very little I was intending to spend with all my coupons in hand, I just couldn’t let this act go unnoticed.  I approached the woman and daughter and gently asked if I could pay for the items in their pockets.  She was noticeably embarrassed, but that was not my intention.  After a few moments of tears and asking me not to tell anyone, she let me know of her recent loss of job, husband, electricity and now her pride.  The next few moments we shared were my favorite.  We picked out several other canned goods, peanut butter, bread, fresh fruit, and a few other items.  The items did not cost me much out of pocket, but they meant the world to this struggling mother.  I provided her some information to assist her with her current situation, we said a prayer and she went along her way with child in hand.

So many times I find, especially during the holidays, I get so busy that I lose sight of what is truly important, those around us.  Today, I encourage you to look around and see what act of kindness you can perform to help someone who might be struggling.  Give a hug, an encouraging word, a sack of groceries, a thoughtful prayer, or a pat on the back.  My wish for you today is that you will realize how important you are, how uniquely you were created and how you have the ability to positively impact others.  Blessings to you today!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Random Christmas Thought #3

Well, today my mind is drawing a complete blank on what random thought I could share.  Oh wait!  I just now thought of something!

A few weeks ago Ladd and I were enjoying our morning coffee together, looking at our Christmas tree and feeling a bit nostalgic.  Ladd shared some funny stories about his Christmas’ growing up and then turned to me and asked what funny memories I had of Christmas as a child.  After a few minutes of thought, I looked at him and said “I don’t have those type of good memories growing up”.  During those few moments of thought, all I could think of were my memories of divorced parents quibbling their way through Christmas Eve and Day, fighting of who got what kids at what time, never once asking us what we wanted.  Hours and hours of traveling from one family to the next, on the road most Christmas’ because both parents felt the need to be close to their kiddos on holidays.  I thought of Christmas’ at step families where my sisters and I were never even acknowledged, sitting for hours in homes where we were not even wanted.  I thought of the “re-gifting” we received when we showed-up and the step families realized they were obligated to give a child a gift they hadn’t even thought about.  My favorite, age 13, a set of spatulas, in an open box, re-taped and re-wrapped.  Oh, poor pitiful me right?

These thoughts of bitterness and sadness felt a bit overwhelming for a few days.  Why couldn’t I think of a happy thought surrounding Christmas I kept asking myself.  Then it dawned on me, I had ALLOWED those thoughts to become a part of my holiday memories, defining how I act and react during the holidays.  Though the thoughts have defined many of my traditions now – never leaving home on Christmas day, always welcoming others into our home during the holidays and hugging my family and friends close and telling them how much they are needed, wanted and loved – these same thoughts have cast a dark shadow around this joyous season.  I made my decision right then and there, my thoughts would turn to the good memories of the holidays.

Eliciting the smells and sounds of my Grandma and Grandpa Allen’s house on Christmas morning, anxiously awaiting the gift opening while enjoying a huge breakfast including my favorite spiral sliced ham, chocolate gravy and biscuits.  Remembering the hours of baking with my Grandma’s, decorating trees and listening to the Christmas story right out of Luke.  Going with my Grandpa to shoot down mistletoe so he could hold it over my Grandma’s head and give her sweet kisses on the cheek when returning home.  Watching as everyone unwrapped simple gifts my Grandma Gregory would wrap for everyone . . . socks pinned end to end and stuffed in cardboard wrapping tubes, bras made into slingshots and wrapped like presents you would see in a storefront window, and underwear with buttons and glitter added to sweeten the expressions of those who opened these gifts.  Hearing beautiful carols in my ears and feeling the frosty air on my face.  These are the memories that will now flood my head when I hear the words “Christmas memories”.

My wish for your today is that you will ALLOW good memories to fill your heads and hearts as we approach Christmas day.  That thoughts of loved ones present and past are beautiful and sweet.  I am wishing GOOD thoughts for you today.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Captn' Crunch

My kids LOVE cereal, but not like most kids you imagine.  We normally have a well-balanced, nutritious first meal of the day (english muffins, eggs, fresh fruit, milk, juice, etc.).  When my kids have the opportunity to select the cereal of their choice, it's usually corn flakes, rice krispies, frosted wheat and such . . . not the really sugary, negative nutrition types of cereal often found displayed proudly on the shelves.

My husband on the other hand has his sugary favorite . . . good ole' Captn' Crunch.  He can eat an entire box in one sitting.  He has been known to take a mixing bowl, fill it full of cereal, then place his hand over the bowl while pouring milk to prevent the cereal from overflowing.  I only buy this cereal a few times a year, which makes it a really special treat for my husband.

Upon my last purchase, my youngest daughter, Aggie, discovered her love of this cereal as well. I brought home my quarterly purchase of Captn' Crunch and before my husband even had his first attempt at a bowl, she had eaten the entire box!  It took her a few meals and snacks to accomplish this, but she was successful.

Back to the store I went for another box.

With Aggie's new found love of Captn' Crunch, Adam decided he should also have his hand at this sugary treat, so he also chowed down and polished off another box.  Again, this was before Ladd had the opportunity to have a single bite!

Back to the store I went for another box.

Upon return home with this box, I informed the children they were to leave this box alone so their dad could have a bowl.  Because I made such a hustle bustle about the situation, Alexandria then decided she better try herself a bowl as well.  The other children saw this and assumed I had given permission to open the box and before you knew it . . . poof! All gone!  Really?

Lucky for me, I had hidden another box and Ladd got his very own box that Saturday morning.  Yes, he shared.

Now when I want to get the kiddos together quickly in the kitchen, all I have to do is say "Captn' Crunch in the house".

Random Christmas Thought #2

As promised, I have another random thought to share.

This morning I was snuggled in the warmth of my bed thinking “What the heck Ladd, really???”.  Normally I get up, start coffee, let the dog out, iron Ladd’s clothes, let the dog back in, then head back to making lunches, breakfasts, and getting kiddos ready to go to school before starting my day.  Well, this morning Ladd decided to take on the morning routine.  Up before 5 a.m. he sang loudly in the shower, turned on EVERY SINGLE light in the bathroom, bedroom, hallway, living room and kitchen, loudly clamored around getting the ironing board out of the closet (yes the board squeals loudly when setting it up), even the sound of the spray starch made me want to jump out of the bed and violently scream STOP IT ALREADY!!!!!!  Ladd hummed and sang and made small talk, all the while I laid there like a hung-over, ungrateful wife wishing he would just shut up, turn off the lights and give me 30 more minutes of sleep.

Then, like a wave of happiness, a new thought came to my mind.  As I watched him through bleary eyes ironing his pants for the first time in 8 years, I saw my Grandma’s old heavy iron he was using.  I have had many irons in my time, mostly the $5 specials you can get from Dollar General.  Like clockwork, they give out over time.  They burn out, break, start leaking water, or my favorite is when the begin depositing black specks on the clothes.  All the low quality irons I have had over the years have given out on me, leaving me to figure out the wrinkled clothes situation once again.

This thought made me think of dear friends and family.  Like my Grandmother’s old faithful iron, they have been with me through thick and thin, helping me to “iron out” life’s little hiccups and wrinkles.  My Grandmother always said to pick your friends wisely and take good care of them so they will always remain good friends.  Today, I wish for you . .  faithful, quality friends and family that will be there when you need them, be quiet when you need an ear, talk when you don’t have the voice and love you for who you are. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Random Christmas Thought #1

My goal is to share one random Christmas thought each day this week leading up to Christmas.

I wasn’t able to sleep last night, so I turned to cleaning out closets and desk drawers to occupy my time and hopefully tire me to the point that I would fall sound asleep.  As I cleaned out desk drawers of each of my kiddos desks, I ran across pieces of art which they had made in school, candy which they were hiding, pencils they hadn’t been able to find, a winter jacket that had been sworn as being stolen by the bottomless clothes monster, and lots of meaningless papers.  It felt a bit overwhelming to realize how much “stuff” could accumulate if not monitored.  We live in a country full of “stuff”, surrounded by “stuff”, always looking for more “stuff” to fill a void or want.

I then started thinking of all of the children and families that don’t have the same opportunities we have here.  I often hear myself and others complaining about the money spent – some don’t even have money to buy a piece of bread; about not feeling well and making another visit to the doctor – imagine never having the opportunity for health; about overeating during the holidays – there are those that haven’t eaten in days or even weeks. 

As I thought on all of this, I realized, we are not just blessed, but abundantly blessed. Look around you today and see if you can extend your hand to someone.  Before you buy that coffee, or next Christmas gift, or meaningless knick knack – ask yourself if there is someone you could help today.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
~ 1 Corinthians 15:58 

Many blessings to you and your family today.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Children's Moment: Grandma's Christmas Tree

Are you all excited about Christmas?  What is your favorite part of Christmas?

Well, my favorite part of Christmas is putting up the tree.  I have great memories of decorating the Christmas tree with my Grandma Allen when I was younger.  I am allergic to pine and cedar and fir, so my Grandmother’s tree was about the only tree I got to really enjoy growing up because she had a fake tree.  It was an all-day process to put up Grandma’s tree.  During Phase 1, Grandpa had to go to the basement and bring up the big box.  Grandpa, like magic then mysteriously disappeared for several hours.  While he was gone, we unboxed the tree, then took the tree branches outside and thrashed them around a bit to knock off the dust and the fake snow my Grandma had used one year.  We separated out the different sized branches while Grandma put the base of the tree together and tried to get it to stand up straight.  After this we “fluffed” the branches to make sure the tree would be full, we wrapped the stand in greenery so nobody would know it was a fake tree, then we set about assembling the tree.

After we assembled the tree Grandma would stand back and look at the tree to make sure the branches looked right, make the adjustments and then we would start on Phase 2.

During Phase 2 we strung out all of the lights to make sure they worked.  We then wrapped the tree not once but twice with lights.  Some twinkled, some were colored, some were clear.  Grandma let us pick out the lights and never said a word the year we decided to have a “layered” tree.  The bottom layer was multi-colored lights, the middle layer was clear lights and the top was red lights.  We thought it was cool.  Grandpa on the other hand simply said “I don’t know that I’ve seen anything quite like that”, then he chuckled and went to the kitchen.

During phase 3 we retrieved the cherished boxes of ornaments and white and red tinsel garland from the bedroom closet.  Each year we went through the boxes and reviewed each ornament carefully to make sure it wasn’t broken and was worthy to get hung on the tree.  Grandma used to have these ornaments that had silky string on them and sometimes they got a snag in them and it looked like they had grown a full head of hair between one Christmas and the next.  After we had checked the ornaments, we put hooks on them and began carefully placing ornaments on the tree.  The older kids got to do the ornaments towards the top of the tree, while the younger kids got to place the ornaments on the bottom of the tree.  The oldest child who helped that day got to place the star on the top of the tree.

It was great fun to step back at the end of tree decorating and see the completed project.  My absolute favorite part of the day though was when Grandma would then set us down and remind us of the importance of the Christmas tree.

The tree was a reminder of God’s great love for us.  The tree symbolized the tree upon which Jesus was sacrificed to save us from our sins.  The tree also pointed upwards to remind us to always keep our eyes towards God and be watchful for His return.  The lights were a reminder that Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.  The red garland reminded us of Jesus great sacrifice on the cross for our sins and the white or silver tinsel reminded us of the forgiveness that can only be given when we ask God to wash us clean of our sins.  The star represented the star that shone so brightly the night Jesus was born.

See, to Grandma, the tree wasn’t just a decoration, but an everyday reminder during the holiday season of God’s great love and sacrifice.  I hope you have enjoyed my memories of the Christmas tree and when you return home to see your Christmas tree that you will remember God’s great love for you.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Still in Stage 4 - Completely Pissed Off

I often wish I was non-emotional and just plain numb. Those wishes have not come true as of late. Without being able to discuss publicly what my family has experienced during the past six months, I have been advised that I have now approached the "anger" stage in my grieving process. I have wholeheartedly embraced each stage thus far so as to work through things.

1. SHOCK & DENIAL- check
2. PAIN & GUILT- check
4. ANGER & BARGAINING - present

Forthcoming . . .


When I look at the 7 steps of grieving I see bargaining right next to anger. I have to say that today, there is no bargaining. I want to kick someone in the head, knock them to the floor, and hang them by their toes above a pool of blood-sucking leeches. I am pissed off and I have no way of expressing that anger other than to blog, cry, pray, read the Bible and do that all over again.

My anger and frustration have captured my every thought today. They have consumed my inner-most being. Beyond words, beyond my own comprehension . . . my thoughts have strayed. Never before have I imagined what went through my head today.

Let me just say this, there is no bargaining, no negotiating, no acceptance of your actions you filthy, disgusting, scum of the earth, sleaze bag, douche sucking, freak. Though I may not get to see your sentence fulfilled the way I feel it should be here on earth, but I am guaranteed you will burn in hell for eternity for your actions.

I thought maybe expressing it in writing might help release some of my frustration; needless to say, I am still in Stage 4.


This morning I was thinking about the word “P E R S P E C T I V E”. There are sooooo many things in life we cannot control or change no matter how hard we try. Who our children are, what our work demands from us, how our bodies are made, what the weather will be like . . . Our P E R S P E C T I V E is one of those few things which we CAN control, change and determine. Webster lists several definitions of this word but my favorite is “the proper or accurate point of view”. I laughed when I read this definition as who is to determine what is proper or accurate? Only the beholder of that particular perspective right?

My challenge to you today is to grasp the most positive P E R S P E C T I V E on every situation you can. When your kids defy you, be grateful they are exploring their independence while you still have the opportunity to nurture them and guide them in the right direction. When your work demands more than you have to offer, be excited that you will be back tomorrow earning wages to support your family in the best way you can. When you feel a bit under the weather, look forward to days of health ahead . . . you will feel better sooner. When the weather turns bleak, be glad that Ace Hardware has sleds on sale, JCP sells umbrellas year-round, and I have a bikini you can borrow if it gets too hot outside!

Keep your P E R S P E C T I V E bright . . . positive . . . and always looking to good things ahead. Just think of the most precious of stones . . . the diamond. A diamond is formed at high temperatures, pressures and depths over a VERY long period of time. Without the right combination, a diamond is not formed. Be a diamond today. Don’t let situations destroy you, let them determine what a gem you are. Be distinguished from those around you because you are SPECIAL, UNIQUE, and incredibly STRONG.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Day OUR Way

To my precious kiddos:

Instructions for Thanksgiving appetizers:

Shrimp Dip

Drain can of shrimp in sink, rinse shrimp and drain again

Place block of cream cheese in middle of plate, pour cocktail sauce over top, then shrimp on top of that.  Put crackers in bowl and set out to enjoy.

Deviled Eggs

Peel eggs, rinse to remove any shell tidbits and lay on paper towel to drain.  Slice eggs in half, remove yellow and put into bowl.  Place hallowed eggs onto serving tray.  Mix egg yellows with enough miracle whip to make creamy, add a few squirts of mustard, a pinch of salt, pepper and paprika.  Spoon filling into eggs and sprinkle with a bit of paprika.

Vegetable Tray

Place cut vegetables and pickles on tray with ranch dressing.

Meat and Cheese Tray

Place cuts of meat and cheese on platter along with favorite crackers.  A great side for this is a spicy mustard.

Nuts, Candies, and Small Cookies

Place nuts, candies and cookies in small bowls for a little something sweet to enjoy with all the savory foods.

Keep Thanksgiving appetizers simple as you don’t want people to fill up too quickly and not truly enjoy the dinner.  Set these out early, this will not only keep people out of your hair, but will keep the “I’m hungry” comments to a minimum.

Remember, the most important part of the day is spending time with your family and friends.  All the food is a bonus.  If ever you don’t have the money for all of the appetizers, stick with carrot and celery sticks with ranch dressing.  These are inexpensive and will keep people munching.

Love you love you love you love you love you!!!

Mom (smooch)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I often feel like there are just some things that need to be said out loud . . . shouted from the mountain tops, or maybe just written for the world to see. These words about my mother-in-law should be written for everyone to see!

I often hear friends and co-workers talk about their mother-in-law in such a negative way, but I can honestly say I have never had that experience.

Darlene, if I could just tell you how I feel, this is what I would say.

You have been a friend, no matter the circumstance. A friend who says it like it is and who does not judge me. You have cried with me when I was heart broken and scared. You have laughed with me till we both were in the floor rolling. You have never hesitated to ask me questions, no matter how uncomfortable I was to answer. I have always tried to be as truthful to you as you have been with me.

You have been one of my biggest cheerleaders, even in those times when I felt that you should have turned your back on me.You have encouraged me to make good and then better decisions. You have always been my sounding board.

You welcomed me into your family with loving arms. Not just that, you accepted my beautiful daughter into your family. You took the time to get to know me, when many would have refused.

I have enjoyed our countless conversations about friends, family and life in general. I appreciate that you pick-up the phone when I call. You have never missed my birthday or anniversary or any major holiday without sending a card or giving me a call.

You have given me the best gift a woman could ever have asked for. You gave me my husband. You created a caring, loving, strong-minded, yet willing to bend man that I have come to know as my best friend. You created the man who is able to forgive and love more ferociously than anyone I have ever known. He gets this from you. You have been the best mom a person could have asked for and an even better mother-in-law.

I know I do not speak for just myself when I say all of these words. Thank you for being who you are. God answered my prayers when He blessed me with you, the best friend and mother-in-law.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Release You to Things Unknown

As a parent, I find it VERY hard to release my children to "things unknown".  You know what I am talking about . . . teenager to the movies, 3rd grader going to the lake with a friend, and kindergarten girl playing in the fort across the creek.  You never know what can happen.  What if there is a perve at the movies or my son's friends parents get in a car accident or don't watch them carefully enough while they are swimming or what if there's a snake slithering near the creek and she doesn't have her boots on.  So many "things unknown".

When I wake in the mornings, I walk through the day step-by-step in preparation for all the things which are known and how I can better prepare my kiddos for each day.  Clean blue jeans and boots, no excuses to not wear them when running in the fields.  Clean floors, no slipping.  Alarm set, no strangers can enter.  Fire plan in place, safety first.  We put our daily plans on paper; who you will be with, how to get in contact with you in case of emergency, how you can seek help if needed, and we PRAY.

I wish I could hold my kids hands across every street they cross, through every trial they must endure and through every decision they make.  The reality is, I can't, I shouldn't and I won't be able to protect them from all the "things unknown".  I am so glad that I have a Savior who can do all of those things.  The Christ that I have come to know will hold their hand and can guide them through every change, every decision, every heartache and every joy.  

Thank you Lord for giving me three precious gifts to love and care for each day.  Lord, I place my children, my family, my home, my life into your care and under your provision.  I know that when I do not understand, you answer.  I know that when I fail, you succeed.  I know that when I cannot be there, you will.  Alexandria, Adam, and Agnes . . . as hard as this is for me to say, I release you to "things unknown".  I say this because there is one thing that is known, we serve a God that is the same yesterday, today and forevermore and He will be there to protect you when you allow this protection.  He will be there to comfort you when you allow His comforting hand.  He will be there to guide you when you ask for His guidance.  He will be there always as you discover the "things unknown".

I love you.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Peak in the Pantry

Strange as this posting may be for some, for others it is a rare view into the life of our little family of five.  Recently during a shopping trip to Wal-Mart, I was making bulk purchases on back-to-school type items . . . crayons, paper, pens, glue, lunchbox snacks, and yes, I have to admit, I even had 10 boxes of lean pockets in my cart.  That's right, TEN boxes of lean pockets.  I didn't think much of these purchases as I only make bulk purchases about once a month or when I see a really stellar stock-up price. I most certainly didn't think much of the lean pockets purchase as this is rare that I purchase these, but my kiddos love these little pockets of oooeeeyyy goooey yumminess as an afternoon snack.

As I stood in line waiting to put my items on the conveyor, I noticed the man behind me surveying my cart curiously.  I proceeded to methodically load my groceries onto the conveyor, making sure I had like items together and my little ad match stickers on each item.  I carefully double-checked all my coupons and made sure all was in order for my turn with the cashier.  The man behind me started tapping his foot and puffing a little bit.  Please note that it wasn't my turn yet, I was also waiting on the person ahead of me to finish their purchases.  As always, I turned to the person behind me, which happened to be Mr. Foot Tapper and let him know that my transaction might take a few minutes as I was going to be ad-matching my products followed by coupon scans.  He smiled and said, "No problem, I am curious to see what your grand total is." I assumed he must have extra time on his hands as there were other available cashiers.

My cashier that day was really nice and pretty quick too.  She didn't have to ask any questions, as I had everything clearly labeled and organized.  It took her about 20 minutes to hand ring everything, bag it up, and she was even kind enough to help me load my two carts full of groceries and school supplies.  I noticed the man behind me kind of smirking (foot tapping still), but didn't say anything.  The cashier then began ringing up my coupons.  I like to hand these to the cashier in groups of like coupons so I can make sure each one is counted and rings up properly.  I swear that with each scan of a coupon, the man behind me began huffing and puffing even louder, it was almost like heavy breathing by this point.  I was afraid he was having an anxiety attack, so I asked him if he was alright.  I am not sure I was surprised by his next words, but thought them to be odd "I just want to see your total!".

The cashier continued to scan each coupon, Mr. Foot Tapper continued to breathe hard, and then came the total . . .. can't quite remember the exact amount, but it was under $50 for my weekly groceries, tons of stock-up items and back-to-school supplies.  I wasn't feeling overly-accomplished, but felt good that I was able to keep the total under $50.  Total time of checkout was around 25 minutes.  I glanced at the man behind me who now appeared to be severely agitated, face turning red and looking almost angry.  I thanked him for his patience in waiting and gathered my purse to leave.  All of a sudden I hear the man spit out "People like that shouldn't be allowed to shop."  Of course I could have let it slide and walk away, but the next comment he threw out kind of ticked me off a bit.  "I bet all she feeds her kids is crap, she probably has a whole pantry full of crap. I've watched that show about coupon hoarding fools and it looks like she is one of them.  Her family probably lives off of soda, an overstock of deodorant and hot pockets."

At this moment it was like an old western movie . . . I slowly turned on my heel, drew out my pen with paper, wrote down my facebook address and handed it to the man.  He kind of flinched a bit when I handed him my information, but he took it like a man.  The cashier stood there with her jaw dropped a bit, as she knows me and my regular purchases.  I simply stated to the man, "I appreciate your comments, but they aren't true, and you shouldn't talk unless you know what you are talking about.  Watch for my posting and make sure to become a member of my page. I think you will like what you see."  I then promised him I would post pictures of my pantry and freezers so he could see "the crap" I feed my family on a regular basis.

So, here it is.  The good, the bad, the ugly.  
This first photo is of my pantry.  The top shelf which is cut off in the picture contains crackers, croutons, popcorn and lunchbox snacks and is referred to as the "no-no" shelf as the kids don't  remove any item from that shelf without permission.  The next shelf contains items used for my baked goods.  Third shelf down - rice, whole grain pastas, tomato sauces and potato side fixings.  Fourth shelf down - cereal, muffins, sauces, dressings, marinades. Fifth shelf down - spices, seasonings, canned fruit, peanut butter, kool-aid mix, canned veggies.  Bottom shelf - chips for lunch boxes, canned soup, canning supplies.  Yes, there are plenty of home canned products such as cucumber relish, pickles, salsa, jams, jellies, etc.  And of course on the left hand side we have body wash, shampoo, conditioner, razors, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, storage containers and bags, plastic cups, plates, etc. and give-a-way items.

Our refrigerator contains the basic items we use on an everyday basis. Juice, milk, soy milk, creamer, butter, cheese, (leftovers), eggs, hummus & french onion dip, yogurt, fruit, veggies, sandwich meat, bread, condiments.  The freezer to the left which didn't end up in the picture contains some quick fix items like prepared meatballs, chicken wings, small selection of pizza & pockets, shredded cheese, ice cream, pepperoni, Kraft fresh takes, frozen potatoes, french bread and extra bread.

We have two freezers, not because we just have soooo much food, but because I like to keep things really organized, easy to find and easy to rotate.  In our upright, that's where I store veggies, fruit, extra juice, prepared dinners, baking items, spices, butter, margarine, etc.  In our deep freeze we store deer sausage, roasts, ground meat, chicken, pork, fish, bacon.

So Mr. Tap Foot, here is what you asked for and here is what you get . . . an insight into our home and all "the crap" we feed our kids every day.  "Crap" like homegrown veggies frozen at peak, seasonal fruit, whole grain pastas & cereal, dairy products, lean meats and yes, on Friday Night Family Night I do let my kids pick from our little stash of "no no" foods.  So Mr. Tap Foot, hope you enjoyed a little Peak in the Pantry :-)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Remodeling is NOT for Sissies

I have to say, my husband Ladd and I have tackled many little home improvement projects since the purchase of our first, then second home. . . changing a light fixture, painting a room, even repairing some minor plumbing issues.  These little projects left us feeling empowered, in control of our home and honestly . . . accomplished.  I think these feelings may have seeped into our brains and made us a little dillusional when it came time for our biggest project yet . . . our third and final home.

We purchased an old farmstead, which hadn't been properly maintained for 10-15 years.  Don't get me wrong, the "bones" of the home are in good condition, but WOW is all I have to say about the rest.  Ladd and I knew when we took on this project that it would be labor intensive, especially since we are on a limited budget.  Little did we know what was in store for our little family of five.

Ladd and I sat down with pen and paper after doing a thorough walk-through, taking measurements, creating a necessary supplies listing and the projects were listed one-by-one in the order which they needed to be completed . . . electrical, plumbing, gutting, restoring, etc.  We put numbers to each of the projects and prayed that we had calculated every project correctly.  We were ready, or so we thought.

We dedicated every Friday night to family night, making sure to set aside all other cares or thoughts and just focus on our kiddos.  Each Saturday morning we would rise before the sun, pump ourselves full of coffee, kiss our little ones see-ya-later, leave a household Saturday chore list for the kiddos and head to "The Farm".  At first Ladd and I thought we needed to work on projects together, but soon discovered this was not an ideal match as we have two separate work styles and almost killed each other on day one.  We worked from before sun-up till sun-down, then drove home, crawled through the door (literally) and started our night with our kiddos.

Now please note that when I mentioned crawling through the door, it was literal.  Our bodies were sore and tired after standing on a ladder for 6 hours, ripping out walls, painting for 10 hours straight or holding hands over our heads installing walls or lighting for hours on end.  Many Saturday nights were spent with long, hot baths to remove paint, caulking, glue, spackling and various other construction materials.  Since our kiddos missed us and we missed them, you would often find me in the tub soaking with the shower curtains drawn while the girls chattered away telling me about their day and asking about what had been accomplished during our day of work.

Though we tried to stay consistent with our church attendance on Sundays, we often found ourselves doing a repeat of Saturday as we neared the end of our remodeling project.  We took turns going to "The Farm" throughout the week to finish miscellaneous projects and prepare for the following Saturday so we could tackle another big project.  We made sure to always have one of us home in the evenings to help the kiddos with homework, prepare a hot, nutritious dinner and follow bedtime routines.  Exhausted is what we felt, completely exhausted.  We started getting short with each other, even resorting to grunting what might be name calling when we were too exhausted to formulate coherent sentences.  I am not even sure we could fight properly as we were too exhausted.

At some point in this process we conceded to agree not to agree on all things and to listen to each other.  I mean really listen to each other, not the "oh I heard you, now I am going to do my own thing" kind of listening.  We would sit down and talk things through, sometimes having to draw pictures, ask questions which seemed strange to one another and wait while the other one spoke.  We learned to love each other's opinions, even if they differed from ours.  We had to be creative during this process of remodeling when we discovered there was no way we could accomplish a project within a budget because of a "surprise".  We learned to stop and hug each other and say "I love you" more often than before as we both needed to hear it.  We learned to thank our children for the sacrifices they made to manage our household duties on Saturday's while we were away.

We learned that remodeling is NOT for Sissies, but for those who are willing to accept the challenge of not just tearing down and reconstructing walls, but to really work at the true foundation of a home . . . love.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mama Richter’s Fruity Pebbles Jelly

Mama Richter’s Fruity Pebbles Jelly
what you need
3-3/4 cups  prepared juice 
1 box  SURE-JELL Fruit Pectin
½ tsp.  butter or margarine (optional)
4-1/2 cups  sugar, measured into separate bowl

make it
JUICE berries thoroughly.  I use a combination of any leftover fruit which I have frozen throughout the fresh season (blackberries, blueberries, grapes, peaches, nectarines, raspberries, strawberries, etc.).  Combine all fruit into one pot, bring to boil, then simmer for 30-45 minutes.  Pour fruit into sieve over bowl, smoosh fruit to release juice then let sit for 1-2 hours.  Rinse sieve, place cheesecloth or a double layer of paper towels into sieve and pour juice through sieve once more to remove any additional pulp.  **Measure 3-3/4 cups juice. 
**At this step I place the juice in an airtight container and place in fridge for one day to one week to thoroughly combine flavors, not a necessity, just enriches the end flavor of the jelly.

BRING boiling-water canner, half full with water, to simmer. Wash jars and screw bands in hot soapy water; rinse with warm water. Pour boiling water over flat lids in saucepan off the heat. Let stand in hot water until ready to use. Drain jars well before filling.
STIR pectin into juice in saucepot. Add butter to reduce foaming. (I don’t do that step).  Bring mixture to full rolling boil (boil that doesn't stop bubbling when stirred) on high heat, stirring constantly. Stir in sugar. Return to full rolling boil and boil 1 min., stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim off any foam with metal spoon.
LADLE immediately into prepared jars, filling to within 1/8 inch of tops. Wipe jar rims and threads. Cover with two-piece lids. Screw bands tightly. Place jars on elevated rack in canner. Lower rack into canner. (Water must cover jars by 1 to 2 inches. Add boiling water, if necessary.) Cover; bring water to gentle boil. Process 5 min. Remove jars and place upright on towel to cool completely. After jars cool, check seals by pressing middles of lids with finger. (If lids spring back, lids are not sealed and refrigeration is necessary.)

This is some lip-smacking jelly that you won’t forget quickly!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

$400 and a Tool Box

I have to admit, I didn't always listen when my Grandfather would tell his stories.  I was always crazy busy preparing dinner, tending to the kids, working, cleaning house or fussing over non-important things such as having Grandpa put on a shirt that didn't have a button missing or hot chocolate dribbled down the front.  It wasn't till he got pretty sick and was hospitalized that I realized, that last story I heard may be the last time I heard his loving voice talking to me.  From that point forward, each time I visited, I sat down on his couch and intently listened to every story he had to tell.  I didn't want to forget a word of what he said.  The only regret . . . I didn't tape record his stories.  What a treasure that would be today.

My favorite of all his stories is how he supported his family and began his business many years ago.   He never told this story as a way to boast of his doings, but simply to let each of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren know that God could take a simple man with a willing heart and provide blessings in abundance.

I remember the first time I heard Grandpa tell this story to my family of five.  His words were said between bites of fried chicken, cornbread, fresh veggies from our little garden and a tall glass if cold milk.  He made sure to throw in some "mmmmmmm . . . . mmmmmm's" to let me know how much he appreciated this home-cooked meal.  I know he enjoyed these meals he spent with us, as Grandma had passed away several years before and his dinner meal usually consisted of cornbread, milk, a piece of onion and memories of his beautiful bride.

Grandpa always started his story out with praising God for giving him a strong back, even though he only had an 8th grade education.  He explained how he worked the cotton fields until the weevils ate up the fields and left his family to starve.  He moved his little family into town for work, where he dug ditches, barely making enough to keep food on the table. At this junction in the story he would always praise Grandma for her ability to make something out of nothing. I think he even said one time that she could take a rock and cook it just right to make a delicious meal fit for a king.  After complimenting Grandma, he would always credit the Lord for providing for his family, no matter how big or small, it was always enough.

While digging ditches one day, a man by the name of Homer stopped by and offered him a job and he accepted.  He worked for Homer for several years, but felt compelled to start his own business venture.  He prayed about the decision, then presented the idea to Grandma.  Of course Grandma supported Grandpa in his decision and they prayed together about when the right time would be to make this change.  They both knew this was a true leap of faith, because all Grandpa had to begin his business with was $400, a tool box, a breaker, and a willingness to work hard.

July 1, 1969, Conward's Heating and Cooling became a business located in downtown Harrison, Arkansas.  He drove a rickety, old truck that ran on a prayer.  He worked from sun-up to sun-down, tried to always do right by his customers, never took flack from anyone, and built a desired reputation for his family.  My Grandmother stood right next to him and neither complained of the long hours, for they knew they were blessed.  They treated their customers right, their employees like family and always gave thanks to the Lord.

My Grandfather always seemed surprised when he ended his story.  He explained that when he and my Grandmother retired, they were making over $100,000 a year.  They tucked money away for retirement and for their family.  He never understood how a man with an 8th grade education could be so blessed by God.  He went on to explain that the money was used to care for my Grandmother when she became ill.  He praised God that he had allowed provisions to care for my Grandmother.

Though my Grandfather worked hard for so many years and blessed many others along the way, he never felt he could give enough thanks or provide enough for those he loved.

Grandpa, you were enough.  You were more than enough.  You were a man of honor and we are proud to have known you as our Grandpa. You taught us that caring for your family isn't simply going to work each day, but it's Sunday dinners around the table and trying to always do the right thing. 

I thank God for your $400 and a tool box.  Thank you for sharing your story with me Grandpa, thank you.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Blue Dress

This morning I awoke feeling incredibly tired.  With only a few hours of sleep last night due to a medicine I took and just a lot on my mind. I just didn't sleep.  No sleep, means exhaustion.  The two cups of coffee, quick walk outside to energize, and warm shower followed by a cold splash - nothing touched my sleepiness.  Just wanting to crawl back into bed and snuggle down in my warm comforter while the fan blocked out noises and the day ahead . . . that's what I wanted to do.

How do I beat down this feeling?  How can I carry about my day?

My remedy . . . my blue dress.  This is my go-to dress when I need to be energized.  The cobalt blue color which resembles the color of the deep ocean brings me life, energy, and a new spring in my step.  I paired it with my favorite "golden slippers" and golden chain necklace and I was made a new woman.  You may ask how a simple dress could energize me when all else failed?

No really, it's not the dress, it's what happens after I put the dress on.  My family thinks I look pretty in the dress.  I normally dress in neutral colors, so it's kind of shocking to them to see me in bright colors.  Alexandria woke this morning and before anything else was said "Mom, you look really pretty in that dress".  Ladd says "You look hot!".  Adam, "Mom, ya sure do look purty". Aggie, "Wow, you look like a blueberry jelly bean".  (Yes, that's a 6-year old's happiness).

My family's love pumped me full of energy this morning. Thank you beautiful cobalt blue, pleated dress with a cinch waist.  I will keep you forever in my thoughts.  Don't be alarmed folks if you see me working in the garden or cleaning out fence lines with my beautiful dress draped about my body, as I often need energy on Saturday mornings.

You are loved . . .my blue dress.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ag the Nag

When our youngest daughter Aggie was just a little bit of a person, she earned her name "Ag the Nag".  She earned this little name through little actions of pulling her sisters long hair and entangling her fingers to the point I never thought we could get them removed.  By picking at her bigger brother to the point it would take him to tears or drive him to the edge of no return.  By laughing so hard she couldn't control herself each and every time she would "ag" someone beyond the point of return.

I remember her loud, uncontrollable cackles when Adam would literally get "roaring" mad.  You knew she had pushed the right button enough times, because you would hear a loud laugh followed by a "errrrrrhhhhhh", then a pounce, then a cry, then two parents running frantically to see if any real damage was done.  It would only be a few minutes till Aggie would be right back at her brother's side playing or lovingly "agging" him on.

I have watched our little Ag the Nag change from tot to school aged child, still lovingly and playfully nagging at her brother and sister to the point of no return.  She loves to play jokes on them, laugh till she can't talk, and dig at them till they feel insane.

She takes after her daddy in this regard.  He just can't stop or leave something alone, always keeping on keeping on till we all feel crazy.  It's not a bad thing, just his thing, now it's her thing.  They are two peas in a pod.  I feel blessed (a little crazy blessed) that they share this same trait.  It's what makes them unique, special and driven.  They are driven to succeed at what they do, even if it's just "nagging" someone to the point of reaction.

Love you Ag the Nag . . . though don't tell her that's her name she thinks it's "Ag the Ag", the one and only incredible special "Ag the Ag".

Tears Bring Strength

Tonight I was reminded of a very special lesson.  As I watched you cry and tears fell and hit the pillow, I was reminded that tears bring strength.

I often watch you go through your day acting as though everything is just fine, that you are just fine.  You keep things inside and put a beautiful smile on your face for others to see.  You answer everyone's questions with an "I'm fine" answer, all the while, I see the pain in your eyes.  You wonder what people think of you.  You wonder if this stage in your life will ever pass.  You wonder how you can move forward, how you can overcome these feelings.  I see it in your expressions when nobody is watching.  I hear you cry at night and wish I could take away all the pain.

I wipe your tears and let you know that I love you and that this will all pass.  That you will grow stronger and look back on this time in your life as a short season in the grand scheme of things. I remind you that you are a  good person, a specially created person.  You are strong and brave.

Let God catch your tears in the palms of His hands.  With each drop of a tear, you release your pain and sadness, frustration and anger.  The tears you shed allow room for strength to fill you.  Allow them to fall freely.  Allow yourself to feel the intensities of life and to grow and strengthen each day.

Just know that you are loved and cherished more than words could speak or that your mind could understand.  You are His and you are Ours.  Let your tears bring you strength.

For My Family

I am beginning this blog for my children.  I often hear myself wishing away my day, in hopes that tomorrow will be different . . . that the problems we face today would disappear like the hot wind blowing on my cheeks when a cool rain appears.  I truly do not wish this.  I wish Every Day Were Today.

I wish everyone had the opportunity to hug their children every morning when they wake and to kiss them goodnight when it's time for bed.  I wish everyone had the opportunity to fight so they could make-up afterwards.  I wish everyone could feel pain so they could appreciate joy and joy so that the pain would dissipate.  I wish everyone had someone they could call friend, lover, companion.

Today I do not wish away my day.  I embrace today with all it brings, in hopes that I may learn to be a better mother, wife, companion, friend, employee, giver, receiver, and servant.

I wish every day were like today.