Monday, July 22, 2013

For My 16-Year Young Daughter

I wish I had someone tell me these things when I turned 16.

  • You will now have more freedoms.  With freedom comes choices and with choices come consequences.  
  • One of your new found freedoms is driving.  You will choose to get behind the wheel.  I hope that you remember every time I said "it only takes a split second for your life to change".  Don't look down to adjust the air, change the radio stations, check a text message, turn your head to laugh with a friend, get too busy jamming to music to hear the ambulance siren behind you, get too focused on where you need to go to not observe all the other drivers which are around you making their own choices, and never feel the need to get somewhere in a hurry - your destination will always be there, but should you choose to speed, you may not get there.
  • The freedom to date.  Believe it or not, there will be more boys knocking on your door than you will know what to do with.  Remember, dating is a time for you to get to know new friends.  It is a privilege for these young men to get to know you.  Don't define yourself by the words or actions of a boy, find yourself in God's light and His way.  You owe no boy an explanation for your choices. You choose when, where, how, why and with whom.  Don't settle on just any boy, when there are tons more out there beyond your high school years and there is ONE really special one waiting for you down the road.  It is worth the wait. Expect for them to treat you well and with respect and if they don't, ditch them!  Don't shed a tear over a boy, they aren't worth it.  And always remember, your dad will be the best boyfriend you will ever have.
  • There is more fun to be had than you can imagine.  Don't get tied down.  Enjoy every moment of the ride.  Take pictures along the way, because some day you may want to remember those moments.
  • Stay away from alcohol, drugs, or smoking.  I don't say this just because I am a parent, but because I have seen first-hand what these things can do to a person, and I wouldn't wish that upon you. All you have to do is say "no thank you".
  • True fun is had with friends who care about you, the ones who have your back, even when you don't know you need it.  They will hold your hand on shaky ground, pray with you when there are no answers to be found, laugh with you till you pee in your pants, run the extra mile with you, and they won't abandon you when you need them most.
  • You are better than the words others speak.  There are always going to be naysayers out there who speak negativity.  Let their words evaporate like rain on a hot day.
  • Your words define who you are. Don't speak words harmful to your soul or about someone else.  Continually speak positively about yourself and others, not only will it lift you up, it will lift up others as well.  You know the saying . . . if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  I don't always buy into that saying.  When I can't say something nice about someone, I think we have to look harder at them to find something nice to say.
  • You are not alone.  No matter how it may feel like it sometimes, others have gone through the same thing you are going through.  You are not the first and you won't be the last.  
  • You will never be too old to call home.  If ever you need a ride, call home.  If ever you want to hear a voice of someone who loves you, call home.  If ever you just need an ear to listen to you, call home.  If ever you just want to call home, call home.
  • Money isn't free.  You work hard for your money, make it work hard for you.  Be thrifty in your everyday decisions so you have money set aside for the important things.   
  • Everything in life is a choice.  Make choices which are good for you.  Learn from the mistakes of others, don't feel you need to make your own mistakes.
  • Teach people how to treat you.  Set the standards high as to how you want to be treated.  Don't let others talk to you in a demeaning way or treat you disrespectfully.  If you want to be treated with respect and kindness, then hold your head high and do the same to others.  Don't let your friends talk you into treating someone in an ill-mannered fashion.  Never laugh at someone when it is not funny.  Encourage others.  Stand up for yourself.  Be strong.  Know who you are and don't let others tell you who you are.  If ever in doubt, ask your dad or mom, we will tell you how awesome you are. We only speak the truth.
  • Listen when someone is talking to you.  It is easy to often hear when someone is talking but not really hear what they are saying.  Really listen and hear their message, it may be the last message you hear from them.  I remember the last message my Grandpa Allen said to me "you are loved".  It was worth the listen.
  • Study hard.  You only have a limited amount of time in your life to become educated without distractions.  Focus on your studies, get into the college of your choice and enter into a career which you love.  I promise, this is a decision you will NEVER regret.
  • Don't settle.  Always strive to go beyond your goals.  Don't settle for 2nd place when you have the ability to get 1st place.  It's not settling if you tried your hardest and gave it your best.  
  • If you remember nothing else I have ever said to you, remember this.  You are special. You were created by God for a purpose.  Never doubt His love. Never doubt our love.  No matter where you go or what you do, you have a fan club of many . . . your dad, sister, brother, myself, your aunts, uncles, cousins, church family, neighbors, friends and God.
Happy 16th Birthday My Sweet, Sweet Daughter.  I love you.
