Monday, September 1, 2014

Children's Moment: Salsa Faith

Last night I was making homemade salsa and I started thinking about the process it took for that salsa to become real.  Back in November of last year I scoured through the pages of my heirloom garden book carefully selecting which types of tomatoes I wanted to grow this year, then in December I placed my order and anxiously awaited their arrival.  In late January when my seeds arrived I set-up our growing tables in the basement and carefully counted out 2 seeds for each little pot I had filled with dirt.  I watered the tomatoes, placed a cover over my growing containers, moved them under my grow lights and waited with faith that these tomatoes would grow. I waited and waited and waited and then one day, I went downstairs and found 4 of my plants had started to grow.  This happened over and over again for weeks, little sprouts coming-up and reaching towards the light until it was time to remove the covers and place a fan in the room to mimic wind and make my plants strong.  It’s always at this point that Mr. Ladd examines my plants and says “those sure do look scrawny, are you sure those are going to survive?”  Each year I reassure him that I have faith they will not only survive but thrive.  Once the tomato plants look healthy by my standards, I take them outside to enjoy hours of sun until the day after Mother’s day.  Mr. Ladd always says “You better plant those tomato plants or you won’t have any tomatoes!”  I reassure him that I will have plenty of tomatoes and they will be the sweetest most beautiful tomatoes he’s ever seen, because I have faith that all that hard work will pay off.

Once I plant my tomatoes I watch them carefully to make sure they are getting enough sun and water or if they need to be moved or covered.  This year because of the heat we had to water our tomato plants twice a day and the blooms came on later than usual.  Mr. Ladd said “I don’t think you are going to get any tomatoes!”  I reassured him that not only would I have tomatoes but there would be plenty because I had faith that all that hard work was going to pay off.  Sure enough, this week we picked over 5 gallons of tomatoes from our garden – all different colors too – purple, red, hot pink, green, yellow, orange – all of them tasting delicious.  Mr. Ladd always says after our first big picking “I knew you would get lots of tomatoes!”

Anybody know what faith is?  One of the definitions in the dictionary says it’s believing in somebody or something, especially without logical proof

 Jesus says in Luke 17:6 “ If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you”

Can you imagine telling a tree – get up and move you lazy thing and go crawl in the lake?  I can’t either, but I can imagine having faith that can create tomatoes for a jar of salsa, faith that a loved one will get well after being sick, faith that someone I love will come to know Jesus, faith that God will take care of me when I am tired or lonely or scared or sick or lost.  I hope that you can find that same faith.  Let’s pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for today, for your love and kindness and grace.  Thank you for this beautiful weather and for all my tomatoes this week.  Thank you for each one of the children here in this church today.  I pray that each one of these children are able to find faith in you.  I also pray that you would reaffirm the faith of those gathered here today.  We love you and praise you and pray all of these things, in Jesus name. Amen.

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