Monday, September 1, 2014

Children's Moment: Thorns to Corn

Take a look at this picture, what do you think it is?

It’s baby corn!

How do you think the corn got into the ground?  That’s right, someone planted it.

The field where this corn is planted used to be overgrown with thorns, weeds, blackberry bushes and tons and tons of rocks.  Last fall Mr. Ladd got out the weed spray and sprayed the field, then slowly mowed the field.  We walked around the field and picked big rocks and cut down large briars and cleaned the field enough that he could cut the weeds lower.  He then sectioned off the field into 5 plots and tilled up the ground not once, not twice, but three times.  The kids picked rocks and picked rocks and picked rocks.  It was hard work.

Guess what?  This spring all those weeds decided to come on back.  Mr. Ladd did all of it over again – spraying, tilling, and the kids picking rocks.  He added fertilizers and dug rows for planting.  It was then ready to plant.  All that hard work and weeds are still peaking through, so we are continually picking and cleaning out our garden plots.  We have to work at giving our new plants space to grow.

All of this reminded me of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Becoming a Christian and inviting God into your life does not mean that all the things you were used to doing all of a sudden disappear, it simply means that in order to let God grow in you, you have to work at giving God space to grow.

What are some of the ways we can let God grow in us?
By reading God’s word.
By spending time with him in prayer.
By choosing to do the right things and asking God to help you with this.
By going to church and being around others who believe in God.

Just remember, if you give God space to grow in your life, He will.  You have to let him keep on working on you like we have to keep on working in the garden.

Let us pray: Dear God, thank you today for bringing these children into your house of worship.  Thank you for the blessing of knowing you are God and for the opportunity to know you better.  I ask today that you help each one of us to weed out all the areas in our life that are not pleasing to you.  Help your love to grow in our lives.  We thank you for all things.  It’s in Jesus name, Amen.

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